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Interior view of the factory in Ava. In 1893, George D.
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Pohl went to the World Columbian Exposition in Chicago. There he met Colonel William Ritchie of the Advance Manufacturing Co. Of Hamilton, Ohio, who was chairman of the committee on machinery and the designer of Hamilton gas engines. George became greatly interested in gas and gasoline engines as a result of this experience. In 1894, he enlisted the help of an engineer named Henry Pokosney, originally from Vienna, Austria, then working for the Otto Gas Engine Works in Philadelphia, to help him design and manufacture internal combustion engines. Pohl and Pokosney either copied Ritchie's design for the Hamilton engine or at least were greatly influenced by it. This probably arose through an arrangement between Pohl and Ritchie’s company, the Advance Manufacturing Company.
The designs of Geo. Lirik lagu jem its amazing download. Pohl and Hamilton engines were so similar that customers tried to order replacement parts for Hamilton engines through Pohl subsidiaries. The Pohl engines even adopted the 'Advance' name of the Ohio company. In addition to his engine shop, Pohl set up a foundry to cast parts for his engines. Thus the Geo.
Pohl Manufacturing Company began the manufacture and sale of gasoline engines in the tiny crossroad town of Ava. Bartholomew, mayor of Vernon, New York, frequently traveled north to Lowville, and passed through Ava on his way. He observed the rapid early growth of the Geo. Co., and foresaw that such a growing enterprise could bring jobs and prosperity to his home town. In 1898, he persuaded Pohl to move his company to Vernon with the incentives of free land to build on and an adjacent, established railroad spur to ship engines far and wide.
Prior to that, the nearest transportation means available for shipping Pohl engines from Ava were a railroad station and the Black River Canal in Boonville, about 10 hilly miles from Ava. In addition, the land in Vernon bordered on Sconondoa Creek. Every manufacturing factory needed a moving stream to carry away waste in that era and the creek served the purpose well.
At the time of the move, Valentine opted out of the business to run his dairy farm. His place in the company was taken by Henry Pohl, their brother. The factory was located in Vernon behind the West Shore Hotel on Verona Street (now New York State Route 31). The factory building was constructed across the tracks from the West Shore railroad station. A photograph of the time shows the building with its employees standing in front and with a small steam traction engine at one side. A short, well-dressed man stands apart from the rest. This is George D.