Soal Uas Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Sd Semester 1 Final Essay
CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER BY CROSSING ( X ) A, B, C OR D! Rina sakit kepala The English sentence is. Rina has toothache b. Rina has earache c. Rina has stomachahe d. Rina has headache 2. Bagas has stomachache The Indonesian sentence is.
Bagas sakit perut b. Bagas sakit tenggorokan c. Bagas sakit gigi d. Bagas sakit kepala 3. Ahmad – a – dentist The correct order is. Dentist is a Mr.
Dec 4, 2013 - Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 6 Semester 1. Yuli Nuriskandar Rabu. At last, the supermarket itself. It is between the drugstore. Demikianlah soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 6 SD semester 2. Dengan banyak berlatih soal, kemampuan dan kosakata Bahasa Inggris kita akan meningkat. Semoga bermanfaat! Baca Juga: Soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris Untuk SD Terbaru Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP Semester 1 & Kunci Jawaban Panduan Sederhana Membuat Magnet Sederhana.
Ahmad a dentist is c. Ahmad is a dentist d. Ahmad a dentist 4. Is for listening to heartbeats, breathing and other sound in the body.
Thermometer d. Stethoscope 5. ” Deni: “I feel bad.” Rani: “What is the matter?” Rudi: “I have flu.” a. Where are you? How do you do?
How do you feel today? How does he feel today? Jaya: “Is he a lazy boy?” Rini: “No, is not.” Jaya: “What does he look like?” Rini: “.” a. He is a handsome boy c. He is a rich boy c. He is a poor boy d.
He is a diligent boy 7. His bedroom is messy The indonesian sentence is.
Kamarnya berantakan b. Kamarnya sejuk c. Kamarnya rapi d. Kamarnya berantakan Read this text!
I have a elder brother. His name is Prasetyo. He is a fat boy.
He has short and straight hair. He also has chubby cheeks. Prasetyo is diligent boy.
His bedroom always neat and clean. I am very love his. He is my beloved brother. What does Prasetyo’s hair look like? His hair is short and straight b.
His hair is clean and neat c. His hair is chubby d. He is a diligent boy 9. His bedroom always neat and clean The indonesian sentence is. Kamarnya selalu rapi dan indah b.
Kamarnya selalu rapi dan bersih c. Kamarnya selalu indah dan bersih d. Kamarnya selalu kotor dan berantakan 10. Prasetyo is a. Beloved boy b. Handsome boy c. Diligent boy 11.
The T-Shirt is Rp. 75.000,00 The English sentences for the price is. Seven five thousand rupiahs b. Seven fifty thousand rupiahs c. Seventy fifty thousand rupiahs d.
Seventy five thousand rupiahs 12. Ninety eight thousand rupiahs The Indonesian sentence is. Download contoh desain kartu undangan ultah. Sembilan ribu lima ratus rupiah b. Sembilan puluh ribu lima ratus rupiah c. Sembilan puluh lima ribu rupiah d.
Sembilan lima ribu rupiah 13. “ Rudi: “ I want to buy a smartphone” a. What are you? What do you want to buy? What do you want to read? How much is it?
Ani buys fruits in the. Fruit stail c. Newspaper stand 15.
Anita buys two books. She gives twenty thousand rupiahs to the cashier.
Her change is. It is a quarter to five The time in numbers is. Dina: “What time does she go to bed?” Ayuk: “ She goes to bed at.
A half to six b. A half past six c. A half past nine d. A half past ten 18.
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Time – does – he – what – dinner -? The correct order is. What time he does dinner? What time dinner he does? What he time dinner does? What time does he dinner?