Inf Installer Tool
Using an INF File to Install a File System Filter Driver • • 2 minutes to read • Contributors • • In this article After you have created an INF file, you can use it to install, upgrade, and uninstall your file system filter driver. You can use the INF file alone or together with a batch file or a user-mode setup application. Right-Click Install To execute the and sections of your INF file, you should do the following: • In Windows Explorer, right-click the INF file name.
I am working in windows 8.1. I need to install a driver file(.inf file) from command line. Which command i need to use.? I know i have many other method for installing a.inf file, but i must install this from command line. Please help me Thanks in advance.
Packard bell master cd 1 download. A shortcut menu will appear. • Click Install. Note The shortcut menu appears only if the INF file contains a DefaultInstall section. Command-Line or Batch File Install To execute the DefaultInstall and DefaultInstall.Services sections of your INF file on the command line or by using a batch file installation, type the following command at the command prompt, or create and run a batch file that contains this command: RUNDLL32.EXE SETUPAPI.DLL,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 path-to-inf infname.inf 'Rundll32' and 'InstallHinfSection' are described in the Tools and Setup and System Administration sections, respectively, of the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation.
Setup Application can also be called from a setup application, as shown in the following code example: InstallHinfSection(NULL,NULL,TEXT('DefaultInstall 132 path-to-inf infname.inf'),0); If you use a setup application to install your driver, observe the following guidelines: • To prepare for eventual uninstall, the setup application should copy the driver INF file to an uninstall directory. • If the setup application installs a user-mode application with the driver, this application should be listed in Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel so that the user can uninstall it if desired. Only one item should be listed, representing both the application and the driver.
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For more information about how to list your application in Add or Remove Programs, see 'Removing an Application' in the Setup and System Administration section of the Windows SDK documentation. • Setup applications should never copy driver INF files to the Windows INF file directory (%windir% INF). SetupAPI copies the files there automatically as part of the call. For more information about setup applications, see.