Greddy Emanage Blue Software Serial

Greddy Emanage Blue Software Serial 8,0/10 4054 votes

Quite some time ago during some emission’s failures I sought a way to interact with my greddy emanage blue. I had tried other DIY’s but they were somewhat unclear and I never had results. I set out to see the full picture and work with the right parts instead of hoping that a specific usb phone cable would be the part I was looking for. Here, and I must say I’m a bit late with this older system, I will try my best to provide a detailed description on the wiring and a guide on how to achieve the creation of this cable which would otherwise cost over 150$ USD from Greddy dealers.

E-Manage (blue) Installation Manual - GPP will no longer support individual technical assistance on e-Manage Ultimate or e-Manage (blue) applications. E-Manage (blue) Initial Setup - GPP will no longer support individual technical assistance on e-Manage Ultimate or e-Manage (blue) applications. I NEED FOR TUNE!! Atlanta greddy emanage blue software CD Your premier source for information on the Turbo KA: KA24E-T and KA24DE-T (KA with aftermarket turbo kit)! 8 posts • Page 1 of 1.

The Greddy Emanage cable is NOT just a simple USB-USB, and it is also not the run of the mill usb-serial connector. What it really is, is described later. Guide Requirements: -Basic wiring/soldering skills -Laptop with Windows XP (or similar) -Willingness to buy parts from eBay (Rs232 TTL converter) -Spare USB cable to cut up (USB-A, the flat rectangular kind) Step 1 – Acquire Parts You will need a USB-A cable, just one end. If you can, find an older piece of computer equipment you dont need (i.e. A mouse) and cut the end off, leave as much length as you can. The other piece of the puzzle is a 5-volt RS232 to TTL Converter. These are rather common and can be found locally if you have a good electronics shop, otherwise eBay works great.

There are hundreds of these listed, often below $10.00 USD (shipping included). The standard serial port communicates with voltages levels -/+10v, however communication with the Emanage requires a range of 0-5v as it is a. You will need one of these that will accept an operating voltage of 5 volts. Step 2 – Construct Strip your usb cable, there will be a foil and/or braided meshjust below the plastic. Vikings conquest serial key.

Using your hands pull this back and unravel it to reveal the four wires on the inside. They are most commonly coloured as red/black/white/green though can be any colour combination. You can simply cut off the mesh/foil shielding for this. Strip the end of every wire (very little needs to be showing, perhaps 2 or 3 mm. It’s time fire up the solder gun. Look at your converter and find where the +5, Ground, tx and rx outputs are.

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They should be labelled or your part should have instructions. Here is where the USB connector wires should go to, use the chart and the image pinout of the usb to link it all together. USB Side Converter Side vcc +5V data – rx data + tx GND Ground Be sure to use a multimeter to check that you really have vcc, or gnd, etc before soldering into the board. Here is a picture of my end result: Step 3 – Software Emanage can be downloaded from this on yahoo. Sign up, and download e-manage149.EXE as well as v1.11.rar. Use winrar (provided on same group) to extract v1.11.rar then find and run the setup.exe.