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07/25/ 2018 BUG FIX RELEASE - xrdp is now functional with the inclusion of package 'tigervnc-standalone- server'. If you are running the old release 20180711, install the above package to make xrdp as a functional rdp server. This is debian 9 mate. Built with debian tools, packages, and currently based on the stable branch (Stretch). Here I try not to use software from outside of the debian repositories. For all intents and purposes, this is just debian paired with the mate desktop environment. * GSA-SNP2 is a successor of GSA-SNP (Nam et al.
2010, NAR web server issue). GSA-SNP2 accepts human GWAS summary data (rs numbers, p-values) or gene-wise p-values and outputs pathway genesets ‘enriched’ with genes associated with the given phenotype. It also provides both local and global protein interaction networks in the associated pathways.
* Article: SYoon, HCTNguyen, YJYoo, JKim, BBaik, SKim, JKim, SKim, DNam, 'Efficient pathway enrichment and network analysis of GWAS summary data using.