Eeprom Writer Program Pl 2303 Prolific Driver
Include Drivers, EEPROM Writer and User. Do not install or use any software from Prolific website until you have read. PL-2303 Linux Driver for RedHat 7.3. Apr 22, 2014 - Not strictly a PICAXE question but I think there is a wealth of PL2303. PL2303 (Vendor ID: 0x0557, Product ID: 0x2008) USB to serial converters? Twice using the Prolific PL2303 EEPROM Writer utility software which can.
Posted: 2004-10-29 19:24 i want the eeprom writer from prolific. It was mentioned in one of the posts by morgan davis the post read. I FIXED THE PROBLEM!
I opened up the box on the cable and found the chip version was pl-2303HX. Got the drivers for it and that didnt work. At this stage i was desparate, and i found on the Prolific site an EEPROM writer, so i tried changing the PID to 2303 from its original 1234. Then i accidentaly hit the 'writer default' button. It went through and changed a bunch of the eeprom.
If any one has downloaded the file from prolific, please could you send it to me? Posted: 2004-11-01 10:00 I'm not really a big expert about eeprom & eep writer, but my idea was to modify something on the pl-2303hx chip of my usb data cable. I read this post and I hope to resolve this problem! Vendor email me that 'The cable have superfluity charge function. If this function can't use.
It isn't product problem. Best wishes!' But charge function doesn't work!!! (( Driver installation was succesfully, before with vendor's driver and then with this driver System Hardware tell me 'Profilic USB-to-Serial Com Port', then I think that i'm not wrong. But, why doesn't my cable charge my phone??? The cable has a switch that I suppose turn on/off charge function. Posted: 2004-11-01 13:22 i didnt think you need the chip number for eeprom writers.
But if it is necessary i want pl2303. But in any case send me whichever one you have for prolific chips as for the other post, the eeprom/ cable is fine if u can communicate with ur mobile. Th charging doesnt happen because of some loose cables. Open the cable's black box and see if any cables are unconnected. I can guide further, if you reply on above.
I am really frustrated with this cable. I am thinking of ripping the mobile connector from the usb cable and making a normal serial one. Then i wont need to worry about the @$$#0!e cable's drivers!! Even though this way i lose the worth of my money i paid for that usb s#!+, i'll get something working.!!!
First post here (sorry it's quite a length one). Here's the problem - I have two USB to serial adaptors (identified as using the Prolific PL-2303) which *aren't* identical in appearance but appear the same when detected by OS's. I would like to be able to identify them through software without having to know which adaptor is plugged into which USB bus or whatever. If serial device X is connected to adaptor X and serial device Y connected to adaptor Y, when in linux the kernel can detect an assign these USB devices different device names between reboots. I've compared the devices in Windows Device Manager, and also with 'lsusb -v' in linux and there's little to distinguish between them. I've read the following thread from this forum about being able to reprogram the EEPROM - edaboard.com/thread62529.html - however for adaptor 1 if I leave the eeprom writer program settings as default, change the serial number or the PID and press write, I get an error message 'Compare EEPROM failed!' Followed by an alert 'Write EEPROM successful!'
But it clear isn't as the PID hasn't changed and (although I'm not certain I know where to look for the serial number) the serial number doesn't appear to change either when reviewing device info (nothing seems to change). Adaptor number 2 - the first time I got it out the box and tried to write to the EEPROM using the writer (same defaults, but just changing the serial number) and didn't get the error message, just the success one! However I don't see anything in either OS that relates to the serial number I supposedly wrote to the device.
Since that first time of using the EEPROM writer with that device, I get exactly the same behaviour as adaptor 1 when writing. Korshunov m petjka i ego petjkina zhiznj chitatj rasskaz. When trying to read the EEPROM I get the alert message 'The EEPROM isn't programmed yet!' , confirming the previous writes don't seem to have done anything. I've also read jethomson.wordpress.com/2010/02/21/diy-usb-to-serial-cable-for-3usd/ which in the last two paragraphs mentions the following from the blog owner: 'I looked into this, but my memory is a bit hazy on the details. IIRC you need a special USB board that puts out 6V to program the EEPROM in the rev.
D, and it can only be programmed once. A has a 2-wire EEPROM interface though, and I think if you program an external EEPROM correctly you can tell the PL2303 to report itself as High Power device and therefore get 500 mA from the USB port. I keep meaning to try this but never have. If you get it to work, write back and let us know!' I've also emailed Prolific to ask for access to their versions of the EEPROM writers as one of their product sheets for the 2303 suggests that EEPROM writers between the different versions of the adaptors (X, HX etc) aren't compatible. No response (been about a week now).