Diablo 3 Ps3 Save Editor Download
Ok guys, the moment u all have been waiting for is finally here! I present to you one of my best tools i ever made. It does allot of good things, and will keep you bussy for atleast a few weeks. First i explain in short what it does.
Mar 15, 2017 - Re: Diablo 3 Save Editor V1.0.0.0. I still can't find the download file. Re: [Xbox360/PS3] Diablo 3 Save Editor V2.0.0.9. DIII Save Editor (D3 Vanilla and RoS). Home discussions DIIIROS.SaveEdit_1.3.19.161. Feb, 20 2015 -12157 downloads. Released Planned.
It allows you to add/delete or modify items from your inventory or stash. The way im doing it is in my opinion KickAss! It uses a resources.db to read all the item info, and images. U can download to latest version, or edit to your likings.
The resources does contain some bad item ids tough.witch will result in a unknown item or item without image and info. You are free to find that bad ids, and fix it your self!:P After the resources.db we have the database.db. The database.db is importend, and it is used to add items to your save. U cannot add items without the database! For now the databse contains maybe 200 items in total.witch is not much.but dont be fooled! The database will update itself whenever you load a save with items that are known by the resources but not by the db. U may encounter some bad items that may cause your game to freeze.try to add items carefully!
Im not going to explain anything anymore.lol, its 3.45am here, and i worked quite some hours today.so im quite messed up atm ^_^' Try to enjoy what u have, and explore as much as you can! The tool has endless posibilities! Oh.and dont forget to post any bugs you may find. Im pretty sure it has some bugs, but u guys wanted a quick release.so you have to do with this untill the next update! This tool can update itself whenever a new update is availible!
Video Tutorial By cowboy713, Video Haven Animation By Cybersam ChangeLog V2.0.0.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- #Added Ps3 Support! #Added Effect multiplier when adding them *Fixed known equipped Items *Changed Section 'Ring' to 'Ring1' and 'Ring2' #Added Feature to load save directly from usb device *Fixed some bugs mentioned that would not allow you to load or save the file And much more awesome fixes! ChangeLog V2.0.0.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- *Fixed Directory drag and drop *Fixed Image split, now shows full image on propertie section *Made the itemeffect count when checked, so you dont have to set the quantity each time.
*Enabled inventory item viewing to List,LargeIcon, or Details. *Changed the 'Move' feuture, you can now move your items everywhere! *Fixed some Memory Leaks *Changed Resources Structure Format, supported Resources.db is online! *Fixed some of the parsing code that would not allow you to load your character, or cause corruption *Allowed Threading for some more operations. *Updated Database Items and effects, Thanks to Succeed and Corrison #Added images for Unknown Items.
#Added Save button inside the inventory GUI, it will allow you to quicksave. #Added Export Inventory #Added Import Inventory #Added Copy Items, Copy your items anywhere! #Added a Contextmenu + shortcut to the itemlist for asier management #Added a Database Combiner inside the Tools Section, it will alow you to update your current database using a secondory database #Added HardMode Cash, you can now switch between normal gold or hardmode #Added Paragon Level for Normal and HardMode #Added Effect Editor Inside the Database manager *Renamed Monik to Monk.- ChangeLog V2.0.0.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- *Fixed Save Encryption Thanks to Echelo! *Enabled name editing *Improved Item retrieval from resources, it will now regocnize unknown items faster, and adds them to the database *Updated Reources/Database from server.
*Fixed preferences not showing *a few more bugfixes. ChangeLog V2.0.0.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- *Removed Login! Everone should be able to use it now. *Removed the need for bruteforce savedata, you should be able to load the ps3 directory directly.
How to install modauthkerb for windows. Specifically, Kerberos uses cryptographic tickets in order to avoid transmitting plain text passwords over the wire. Kerberos was based upon the Needham-Schroeder protocol.
*A few minor fixes. ChangeLog V2.0.0.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed PS3 Corruption, Param.PFD bottom hashes where not fixed properly.they should be now:)! ChangeLog V2.0.0.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Aditional Security Fix. Removed Unused Code [HIDE-REPLY] [/HIDE-REPLY].