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Electric sound chadabe pdf. Furthermore, most of the literature is oriented toward technical information and based on secondary research. This is why the lively new book byJoel Chadabe, Electric Sound, is an invaluable and unique contribution to the field of electronic music in general. The Electric Circus became one of the first public multi-media sound. 2008, in Kingston, New York; Joel Chadabe, December 8, 2008, in. The computer mediates these landscapes to different configurations of bodies, configurations whose dynamic development can again be. Chadabe's compositions and articles are published by EMF Media, Deep Listening, Lovely Music, Opus One, Folkways, Computer Music Journal, Leonardo, Electronic Musician, and others. His book Electric Sound, a comprehensive historical survey of electronic music, is published by Prentice Hall. Electric Sound: The Past and Promise of Electronic Music [Joel Chadabe] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. With a truly global perspective, this vivid and readable narrative provides a comprehensive overview of the history of electronic music. The author draws upon his combined experience as composer.
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Temporary residence shall enable a third country national to stay, exit and re-enter the Slovak Republic territory during the period as specified by a police department. Temporary residence shall be bound with a single purpose.
If a third country national wants to perform other activities than those for which the temporary residence was granted, s/he must file a new application for the granting of temporary residence, unless provided otherwise herein. The purpose of the temporary stay is to be performed by a third-country national on the territory of the Slovak Republic. The temporary residence permits are granted for a specific purpose, such as: business (§ 22), employment (§ 23), studies (§ 24), special activity (§ 25), research and development (§ 26), or family reunion (§27), performing service obligations by civil units of armed forces (§ 28), who has the status of a Slovak living abroad (§ 29), who has the statues of a person with long term residence in another member state (§ 30), the residence on the basis of a Blue Card of the European Union (§ 37). Temporary residence shall be bound with a single purpose: business (for a period of up to 3 years), employment (up to 5 years), studies (up to 6 years), special activity (up to 2 years), research and development (up to 2 years), or family reunion (up to 5 years), performing service obligations by civil units of armed forces (up to 5 years), who has the status of a Slovak living abroad (for 5 years), who has the statues of a person with long term residence in another member state (up to 5 years), the residence on the basis of a Blue Card of the European Union (up to 4 years). • his/her residence in the Slovak Republic territory is authorised; • he/she is staying on the basis of the tolerated stay granted [Art. 1 (a-c) or par. 2], • he/she stays on the territory of the Slovak Republic on the basis of a national visa [Art.
15], • he/she is resident on the territory of the Slovak Republic on the basis of a Schengen visa issued by another Member State on the basis of an agreement on representation; • he/she is a third-country national who does not require a visa, or • he/she is the holder of a certificate of a Slovak living abroad. An application for the granting of temporary residence shall be filed by a third country national in an official form. When filing an application for the granting of temporary residence, the third country national shall be obliged to submit a valid travel document and all the necessities for the application for the granting of temporary residence defined herein; otherwise the representing authority or police department shall not accept the application for the granting of temporary residence.
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The representing authority which has received the application shall issue a certificate of receipt to the applicant on the date of its receipt. A representing authority which has received the application shall perform an interview with the applicant for the granting of temporary residence in order to preliminarily evaluate the application. The interview shall be performed in the state language or in another language which is comprehensible for both parties.
The representing authority shall send its statement on the granting of temporary residence to the police department together with the record; and the statement shall specify, whether the granting of temporary residence is recommended or not, giving specific reasons.